
Definition of obsessed
Definition of obsessed

All information, data, text, tables, photographs, graphics, content on the site - with the exception of content accessible via links - constitute a database for which, under the laws in force, the owner of the site holds property rights.Īrticle 2 : The purpose of the site and its contentsįSolver is an Internet application for personal use that allows you to find solutions to crossword and word puzzle grids. Users view and use the Site on their own behalf. Use of the Site does not constitute a right of ownership of the data made available. Any reproduction, even partial, of the content of FSolver is prohibited without the express written permission of the site owner. However, it should be noted that the definitions come from the excellent website. The site FSolver, the contents and the software which compose it are the property of the owner of the site.

definition of obsessed

  • Users: any natural or legal person who uses the siteĪrticle 1 : Ownership of the site and the elements that compose it.
  • the site: the FSolver Internet application.
  • The users of the site and the services offered undertake to adhere without reserve to these terms and conditions of use.

    definition of obsessed

    These general conditions of use concern :

    Definition of obsessed