
Nekojishi characters
Nekojishi characters

In some scenarios, you may even need to use specific clues gathered in the adventure to disprove statements made by your opponent! Choose correctly and you'll leave them wide open. Using cards makes use of Inspiration Points (IP) which are replenished every turn. Debates are real-time RPG battles where the player uses Argument Cards to damage their opponent's credibility (HP). When the time comes for Liao to convince a spirit, a debate begins. The bonds you make with the various spirits that accompany Liao on your journey will make their arguments more powerful in debates. You'll also be able to get to know the spirits you meet in the world by undertaking side quests along your main adventure. During the game you'll discover new characters, some of which may even join Liao on their adventure, lending their hand to Liao during debates in order to get the upper-hand. Discover their past and grow close to the ones you care about. Many characters will join Liao throughout his adventure, humans, and troubled spirits alike. In game, the player controls Lin Tian-Liao, followed by his three anthropomorphic cat spirits, explores the city of Taipei to complete objectives in order to progress through the story. Unlike its predecessor, the game is an role-playing video game that uses top-down perspective with 3D graphics.

Nekojishi characters